BS8539:2012 Code of Practice’s purpose is to guide all stakeholders within an anchor/fixing supply chain through the selection, supply, installation and testing of post-installed anchors into concrete or masonry.
BS8539:2012 specifically provides guidance on the correct selection of an anchor/fixing, the supply to the site of that anchor, anchor installation procedures, identifying appropriate testing procedures and ensuring they are carried out correctly.
Everyone within the supply chain of an anchor/fixing has a role to play, ultimately the main aim for a contractor is to ensure a safe installation, using the right anchor and installed to the manufacturer’s guidelines.
All of the supply chain is responsible, including:
There were specific key issues within the construction industry that needed to be addressed after a fatality over in Ireland. At that time there was no British independent body or guidance within the industry for anchors/fixings.
It was typical of a manufacturer to test their own anchors, with no independent verification which meant when the anchor/fixing was specified for a particular job, bracketry designs were based on false loading information, sometimes leading to bracketry collapse.
It is also very common in the industry to see anchor installation failure; within the M&E industry it has been said that over 80% of drop-in anchors fail due to installation error.
After a fatality in Ireland, the Irish Health and Safety Association created a standard, this was then later adapted by the CFA into the BS8539:2012 which today is seen as best practice.
First of all, we would recommend early engagement between the M&E contractor and the prinicpal contractor to ascertain the best practice to follow when selecting, supplying, installing, and testing anchors.
With the guidance available anchor/fixing compliance doesn't have to be complicated. By following the guidance outlined in BS 8539, the safe selection, supply, installation, testing, and training of operatives and supervisors is certainly achievable.