MIDFIX catch up with ZipClip to discuss wire suspensions. In this podcast, we welcome Tim Brown from ZipClip as our guest speaker. Jake and Tim discuss the evolution of wire suspension systems.
As the M&E sector grows towards a compliant and sustainable model many M&E contractors are turning to wire and rope suspension systems as an alternative to traditional suspension methods.
In the podcast, Jake and Tim discuss why this may be the case. The podcast will provide answers to the following questions:
1.) What are wire-rope suspension systems?
2.) Why would M&E contractors turn to wire-rope systems?
3.) What are the main benefits of wire rope suspension systems over threaded rod?
4.) What are the common misconceptions around wire-rope systems?
5.) What does the future look like for wire-rope suspension systems?
At first glance, a visual inspection would make you question the tensile strength of wire rope in comparison to traditional support solutions. However, manufacturers now have independent data that indicates that the tensile strength per metre of wire rope is infact just as strong as a traditional method.
As that wasn't enough, with net zero 2050 becoming ever closer M&E contractors are now evaluating both M&E solutions from a sustainable perspective. When comparing both types of support mechanisms, wire rope systems are considerably lighter than traditional methods both eliminating carbon emissions and reducing costs over a project's life cycle.
Now, it is well-known that delivering an M&E installation on time is fundamental to the overall success of a project, for M&E contractors turning to wire rope systems it will be music to their ears to hear that wire rope can be installed with limited tools and expertise, once again saving costs due to the reduced amount of time on-site.
For your next contract will you turn to wire-rope suspensions systems or stick to traditional methods?