
Thank You

Written by Adrian Fowler | December 06, 2019

As the year is coming to a close, all of us at MIDFIX would like to say a massive “THANK YOU” for your business, support and loyalty during 2019.

2019 has been an interesting year on the MIDFIX journey to building better solutions. As always, we have had our fair share of the inevitable ups, downs and the challenges of the year being overshadowed by Brexit. However, with your support and our brilliant staff we have achieved encouraging growth and added more Midfixers to our team. This will enable MIDFIX to reinvest in the business and make further improvements for you during 2020.

During the year, we have continued to develop our Design & Engineering offering which has seen the team completing over 325 projects. The Prefabrication workshop has completed in excess of 1900 fabrications jobs and we have delivered over 500 miles of channel and containment products across the UK and Europe.

2020 looks to be another positive year. We are planning to develop our product offering with the addition of more dedicated products for the M&E markets as well as own brand and NEW innovative developments. We continue to grow our own fleet of FORS Silver vehicles, which will increase delivery certainty and we will implement more systems and processes to make your transactions with MIDFIX even more frictionless.

A quick note on our Christmas opening hours. The business will be taking orders for delivery in 2019 up to 5pm on Thursday 19th December. All orders placed after 5pm on 19/12/19 will be delivered on the 3rd January 2020. Please also note that we will be closed until 1pm on the 2nd January for our annual MIDFIX staff conference.

Again, the directors would like to extend their personal thanks for the trust you have placed in MIDFIX this year as one of your key suppliers. We have an open-door policy and welcome any feedback, good or bad, to help us remain a supplier of choice for you and your business. Make the most of the Winter break and all the best for 2020.