
4 Ways MIDFIX Can Help Make Your Projects More Sustainable

Written by Priyan Majumdar | July 09, 2024

In the face of escalating environmental concerns and the urgent need for sustainable practices, the construction industry stands at a crossroads. Traditional construction methods have long been associated with significant waste, inefficiency, and a substantial environmental footprint. With a suite of products specifically engineered to address the unique challenges of waste reduction in construction, MIDFIX is leading the charge towards a greener, more sustainable future, closer to the Net Zero 2050 goal.

MIDFIX offers specialised solutions aimed at minimising waste across all phases of construction projects. From planning and design to execution and completion, MIDFIX's products and solutions are not merely about compliance or achieving minimum sustainability standards; they represent a transformative approach to how buildings and infrastructure are conceived, constructed, and maintained - with long term outcomes in mind.

In this detailed exploration, we'll delve into how each of MIDFIX's innovative products can play a pivotal role in transforming your construction projects, significantly reducing waste and setting new standards for sustainability in the industry.

Tested Channel Systems

Tested channel systems play a crucial role in ensuring sustainability across various aspects of construction projects. Let's delve deeper into how each of the mentioned points contributes to sustainability:

Encourages Purchasing from One Source:

Tested channel systems streamline the procurement process by consolidating components from a single source. This reduces the need for multiple deliveries from various suppliers, consequently minimising fuel consumption, carbon emissions, and operational inefficiencies associated with transportation. By reducing the environmental footprint caused by procurement activities, tested channel systems promote sustainability by mitigating the negative impacts of construction logistics.

Reduces the Need for Over-Engineering:

Over-engineering, a common practice to mitigate the risk of failures, often leads to the unnecessary use of oversized materials and components. By providing reliable load data and optimising the bracket assembly, tested channel systems offer the exact level of robustness needed without excess material waste. This optimisation contributes to sustainability by conserving resources and minimising the environmental impact associated with material production and disposal.

Ensures Durability and Longevity:

Tested channel systems undergo extensive testing to ensure their durability and reliability. By minimising the risk of bracket assembly failure and offering reliable load data, these systems reduce the need for frequent reworks, replacements, and maintenance. This not only conserves resources but also extends the lifecycle of installations, promoting sustainability by reducing material consumption and waste generation over time.

Offers Data-Driven Solutions for the Future:

Sustainability in the construction industry requires accountability and evidence-based decision-making. Tested channel systems provide documented evidence of their functionality, durability, and longevity, which is crucial for tracking and reducing the environmental impact of construction projects. By gathering and providing reliable data, these systems facilitate the reporting and communication of Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs), laying the groundwork for future sustainability initiatives and enhancing traceability in construction projects.

Overall, tested channel systems contribute to sustainability by optimising procurement processes, reducing material waste, extending the lifecycle of installations, and providing reliable data for evidence-based decision-making and reporting. By addressing these key aspects, these systems help construction projects meet their sustainability goals while ensuring efficient and reliable performance.

QMEXX Pipe Support Systems

QMEXX represents a groundbreaking solution in the realm of modular pipe support systems, revolutionising the management of above-ground pipework in the water and utilities sectors. Developed by MIDFIX to address the specific challenges encountered in these industries, QMEXX integrates seamlessly with the Sikla Framo modular support systems, offering a streamlined selection of components to create custom, ready-to-use pipe support solutions. With its innovative design and commitment to sustainability, QMEXX stands out as a versatile and efficient solution, capable of accommodating a wide range of configurations while minimising environmental impact throughout its lifecycle.

Production Stage:

QMEXX's sustainability begins at the production stage through its innovative approach to manufacturing. Components are prefabricated off-site in a controlled environment using readily available "off-the-shelf" materials. This process not only optimises material use but also minimises waste typically generated during on-site fabrication. By fabricating components in a controlled setting, energy-efficient manufacturing practices can be employed, leading to reduced energy consumption. Additionally, QMEXX's compact and easily transportable design minimises the need for transporting multiple materials and tools to the construction site, thus cutting down on carbon emissions associated with transportation.

Installation Stage:

The adjustability and versatility of QMEXX plays a crucial role in promoting sustainability during the installation stage. Its innovative design allows for rapid assembly of various pipe supports without the need for hot works or additional materials. This not only reduces transportation emissions but also minimises material waste by eliminating the need for corrective fabrication. By eliminating energy-intensive modification processes like welding and cutting, QMEXX conserves energy, contributing to overall lower energy consumption during installation. Moreover, by enhancing worker safety and reducing harmful emissions during assembly, QMEXX prioritises sustainability throughout the installation process.


QMEXX's sustainability extends beyond its initial use through its emphasis on reusability. The modular design of QMEXX supports allows for easy adaptation to new requirements with minimal effort. This flexibility enables the supports to be reused in different configurations or applications, thereby extending their lifecycle and reducing the environmental impact associated with producing new supports. Additionally, QMEXX supports are engineered to be easily dismantled without compromising their integrity. This design philosophy facilitates quick disassembly when the supports are no longer needed, further promoting reuse and minimising waste.

Longevity and Durability:

QMEXX prioritises longevity and durability, further enhancing its sustainability credentials. The components undergo comprehensive testing protocols to validate their strength, durability, and resilience under various conditions. This data-backed approach instils confidence in the system's ability to exceed industry safety standards. Additionally, the hot-dip galvanised finish protects the material from corrosive environments, increasing the longevity of the supports and reducing the need for frequent replacements. QMEXX's proven reliability and adaptability across a diverse spectrum of applications demonstrate its sustainability in practical, on-site conditions, reducing the need for reworks, maintenance, and replacement parts over time.

In conclusion, QMEXX exemplifies sustainable construction principles by optimising material use, minimising waste, and reducing energy consumption during its production, installation, and usage stages. Through its prefabrication process, adjustability, reusability, and emphasis on longevity and durability, QMEXX not only enhances efficiency and safety in construction projects but also contributes to a more sustainable future for the water and utilities sectors.

MX-R Support Frames

MX-R represents a revolutionary approach to rooftop building services installations, addressing the critical need for efficient support and access provisions. In an era marked by the increasing installation of rooftop HVAC systems, pipework, cabling, and solar panels, MX-R emerges as a comprehensive solution designed to optimise cost, availability, and ease of installation. Unlike conventional methods that often result in inadequately considered support systems and hastily arranged access provisions, MX-R offers a novel approach characterised by non-penetrative, free-standing roof supports and access products. This innovative system is tailored to meet the exact requirements of each project, providing unparalleled flexibility, affordability, and sustainability in rooftop installations.

MX-R Support Frame by MIDFIX offers several features and functionalities that contribute to ensuring sustainability within the M&E and construction industry:

Modular Design:

The MX-R Support Frame is described as "truly modular," meaning it's adaptable to various configurations without requiring bespoke or complex parts. This modular design reduces material waste by ensuring that components can be reused or reconfigured for different applications, thereby promoting resource efficiency and minimising environmental impact.


MX-R's prefabricated components are manufactured off-site to precise specifications, reducing the need for on-site alterations or modifications during installation.

By eliminating the need for on-site fabrication or customisation, MX-R reduces construction-related emissions, noise pollution, and disruption to local ecosystems and communities, fostering more sustainable construction practices. Prefabrication also allows MX-R to optimise resource utilisation by minimising material overages, offcuts, and unused components typically associated with on-site construction activities. This efficient use of resources aligns with principles of sustainable resource management and the circular economy.

Enhanced Load-bearing Capacity:

MX-R Support Frames utilise back-to-back channel systems, which not only increase their load-bearing capacity but also allow for the support of heavier-duty equipment such as AHUs. This capability reduces the need for additional support structures, optimising material usage and construction efficiency. By using lighter channel materials compared to traditional steel structures, MX-R further decreases transportation emissions and fuel consumption, contributing to overall sustainability efforts in logistics and supply chain management.

Maintenance and Durability:

All MX-R components undergo rigorous stress testing, simulated structural analysis, and real-world load-bearing testing. By ensuring the safety and durability of the support frames, MIDFIX enhances the longevity of rooftop equipment, reducing the frequency of replacements or repairs. This contributes to sustainability by extending the lifespan of assets and minimising waste generation. By investing in sustainable infrastructure with lower life cycle costs, stakeholders contribute to the preservation of natural resources and the promotion of circular economy principles.

The use of hot-dip galvanised components further enhances durability and corrosion resistance, extending the service life of MX-R systems and reducing the environmental impact of premature replacements.

Ease of Assembly:

MX-R Support Frames are designed for easy assembly without the need for specialised skills or equipment. The straightforward assembly process reduces labour requirements and associated costs, making installations more efficient. Additionally, the adaptability of MX-R frames allows for quick adjustments, facilitating easy redistribution of weight and accommodation of loading challenges. Simplifying the assembly process not only saves time and money but also reduces the environmental footprint associated with construction activities.

Standardisation and Stocking:

MIDFIX standardises MX-R components and maintains stock in-house, ensuring quick availability for next-day delivery. Standardisation streamlines supply chain processes and reduces lead times, promoting efficiency and minimising resource consumption. Additionally, stocking standardised components reduces the need for custom manufacturing, further enhancing sustainability by optimising inventory management and minimising waste.

Overall, MX-R Support Frames contribute to sustainability in the M&E and construction industry by promoting resource efficiency, reducing waste generation, enhancing equipment longevity, and optimising construction processes.

MX-R Access

MX-R Access revolutionises rooftop access solutions with its innovative modular design tailored to meet the diverse needs of maintenance and inspection tasks. Offering a comprehensive range of access solutions such as step-overs, walkways, stairs, and platforms, MX-R Access ensures safe and compliant passage over rooftop obstacles while safeguarding both workers and roof integrity. Built with durability, adaptability, and compliance in mind, MX-R Access sets a new standard in rooftop access, providing cost-effective, sustainable solutions for a wide range of applications.

Optimised Design:

MX-R Access is designed to be adaptable and modular, allowing for bespoke solutions using off-the-shelf components. By using standardised components efficiently, MX-R Access reduces material consumption, contributing to environmental sustainability.


MX-R Access streamlines the installation process through prefabrication and modular assembly, reducing the time and labour required for onsite construction. This efficiency not only lowers project costs but also reduces the carbon emissions associated with transportation and onsite activities. By minimising construction-related emissions, MX-R Access contributes to mitigating climate change and promoting environmental sustainability.

On-site Adjustability:

MX-R Access's modular design allows for on-site adjustability, ensuring precise fitting and minimising the need for post-installation modifications. This feature optimises resource utilisation by reducing material wastage and unnecessary labour, promoting efficient resource management. By avoiding overconsumption of materials and labour, MX-R Access helps conserve natural resources and reduces environmental impact.

Longevity and Durability:

MX-R Access is built with durable materials such as hot-dip galvanised metalwork and non-slip GRP grating in accordance with the health and safety standards outlined in BS ISO 14122, designed to withstand harsh environmental conditions without frequent maintenance or replacement. This durability ensures that the system has a longer lifespan, reducing the need for frequent replacements and thus lowering the environmental impact associated with manufacturing and disposal of replacement materials.

The design of MX-R Access includes rubber feet that spread the load evenly without penetrating the roof membrane. By distributing weight effectively, MX-R Access helps protect the integrity of the roofing structure, minimising potential damage that could lead to leaks or other environmental issues. This feature contributes to the preservation of building materials and extends the lifespan of the roof, reducing the need for repairs or replacements that would generate waste.

Reuse and Repurposing:

The modular and adjustable design of MX-R Access allows for easy dismantling, reconfiguring, and adjustment without causing damage to the components. This feature facilitates the reuse and repurposing of MX-R Access components for future projects or in different locations. By promoting the reuse of materials, MX-R Access reduces the demand for new resources and minimises waste generation, contributing to environmental sustainability.

Overall, MX-R Access integrates environmental considerations into its design, construction, and operation processes, aiming to minimise its environmental impact while providing safe and compliant rooftop access solutions.


In conclusion, the suite of products offered by MIDFIX presents a transformative approach to sustainability in the construction industry. By addressing key challenges such as waste reduction, resource efficiency, and environmental impact across various stages of construction projects, MIDFIX is leading the charge towards a greener future. From tested channel systems to QMEXX pipe support systems, MX-R support frames, and MX-R access solutions, each product embodies principles of sustainability through innovative design, prefabrication, durability, adaptability, and reusability. By embracing these products, construction projects can not only meet their sustainability goals but also set new standards for environmental stewardship in the industry. MIDFIX's commitment to sustainability signifies a paradigm shift towards more responsible and efficient construction practices, paving the way for a brighter, more sustainable future for generations to come.