8 min read
May 15, 2024

Introducing dynaMX®: Revolutionising Bracket Configuration for the M&E Industry

Image of Priyan Majumdar
Priyan Majumdar
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The process of designing and configuring brackets for mechanical and electrical (M&E) installations has presented challenges, including the need for labour-intensive manual calculations, the inherent potential for human error, and the absence of seamless integration between various stages of the construction process.

Introducing dynaMX® – a groundbreaking online bracket configurator designed specifically for the mechanical and electrical (M&E/MEP) industry in construction. This innovative tool empowers engineers, designers, and contractors to streamline the bracket configuration process with unparalleled speed, accuracy, and reliability.


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What is dynaMX®?

dynaMX® is an innovative online bracket configurator specifically designed for the M&E industry in construction. It revolutionises the traditional process of bracket configuration by offering advanced algorithms and customisable design options tailored to meet the unique needs of each project. The configurator allows users to input detailed bracket specifications—including service load requirements, soffit information, and dimensional requirements —and uses this data to automatically generate optimised bracket configurations. By automating this process, dynaMX® eliminates the need for manual calculations, reducing human errors, saving time, and enhancing efficiency. dynaMX® currently offers designs for trapeze brackets, with progress being made in automating other common repeatable designs such as AHU frames, H-frames, goalposts, and more.

dynaMX® is designed to work seamlessly with the MIDFIX MX Channel System, offering designs and load capacities that are unique to this system. This integration ensures that users can rely on the configurator to produce M&E support brackets that are not only optimised but also compliant with the specifications and performance of a tested channel system. The designs and load recommendations are, therefore, non-transferable to non-MX products.



The limitations of traditional bracket configuration

A significant number of brackets used in construction are installed without proper design and testing, which contravenes established building safety standards such as those outlined by the Building Safety Act. This oversight can lead to severe safety risks, including structural failures, which not only endanger lives but can also result in substantial financial losses due to fines, lawsuits, and increased insurance premiums. The implications are not just limited to the immediate safety concerns but also affect the long-term reliability and usability of the structure. 

The main reason why many contractors opt for shortcuts and cheaper alternatives is due to the perceived inefficiency and high costs associated with consulting design engineers for designs that many contractors deem unnecessary. The traditional approach to bracket design typically involves consulting with design engineers or specialists, which is essential particularly for custom or complex installations. However, for more straightforward, repetitive tasks—like installing standard brackets—the consultation process can be seen as an unwarranted expense and a time-consuming step. Here's why: 

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Cost Implications:

Design consultants typically charge hourly or project-based fees for their expertise and services. Depending on the complexity and duration of the project, these costs can quickly escalate, impacting the overall project budget. The need to engage multiple consultants with different areas of expertise, such as structural engineering, mechanical design, and electrical systems, further escalates the cost burden – not all of which are always necessary for simple trapeze designs.

Project Delays:

Engaging design consultants can introduce delays in the decision-making process. As they analyse project requirements, propose solutions, and provide recommendations, valuable time may be lost, especially if there are multiple iterations or revisions required. These delays can hinder project progress and impact deadlines. Waiting for consultant availability or accommodating their schedules can prolong decision-making processes and impact project timelines.

Communication Challenges:

Coordinating with a design team can introduce communication challenges, particularly if they are not physically present on-site or if there are multiple engineers involved in various aspects of the project.

Limited Scalability:

Consulting with design engineers may not be scalable for projects with varying levels of complexity or volume. As project requirements change or new projects arise, securing their services for each project can be impractical and costly. This limitation may hinder the scalability of construction firms or project teams.

Risk of Errors and Safety Concerns:

Manual calculations and limited design validation increase the risk of human errors and safety concerns in traditional bracket configuration. Without rigorous analysis or compliance checks, there is a higher likelihood of overlooking potential structural weaknesses or safety hazards. This poses risks to the integrity of the building systems and the safety of occupants and construction workers.

The Way Forward

While consulting with design engineers and their skills are instrumental for larger-scale, more complex projects, in instances where designs are smaller in scale, common, and easily replicated, automation becomes not only feasible but also effortless. 

For example, while trapeze brackets and AHU frames may vary slightly in profile and length, the underlying principles and inputs remain consistent. In the time it would take an engineer to create a single 'adequate' solution applicable to every trapeze bracket, automation allows for the generation of multiple optimal solutions tailored to each bracket individually. Since these solutions are based on a fixed set of variables and consistent design principles, automating these designs would mean that contractors would only need to rely on design teams for larger-scale, more complex projects that require specialised attention. 

In summary, while consulting with design professionals is essential for certain projects, automation can offer efficiency and cost-saving benefits, particularly for simpler designs. By leveraging automation, contractors can achieve multiple optimal solutions tailored to each bracket individually, thereby streamlining the design process and reducing costs. The future of bracket configuration in the construction industry lies in a harmonious integration of automation and expert consultation. By embracing innovative technologies while respecting the value of human expertise, construction projects can achieve greater efficiency, accuracy, and safety, leading to enhanced outcomes for all stakeholders involved. 

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What are Design Automation Tools?

Design automation tools in the construction industry are software applications that automate various aspects of design processes. These tools typically utilise algorithms to simplify and speed up tasks that were traditionally performed manually, such as calculations, drafting, and modelling. The goal is to increase efficiency, reduce errors, and streamline workflow, enabling engineers and designers to focus more on higher-level problem solving and less on routine tasks. 

Existing Design Automation Tools

In recent years, the construction industry has witnessed a significant shift towards embracing the integration of technology to streamline various aspects of project planning and execution. Despite this, there is a notable scarcity of robust, fully automated bracket design tools in the market. 

While some existing design tools may offer valuable support in bracket configuration, it is important to acknowledge that there remains a gap in the availability of an actual bracket configurator itself. Many of the current design tools operate on a set of predefined assumptions and parameters, essentially functioning as filters rather than providing truly customisable solutions. As such, the solutions provided by these tools are only limited to recommendations for specific components/products based on specifications that you have provided, meaning that you would still need to consult a design engineer to verify those recommendations and configure a fully functional bracket design. 

These tools also often offer a limited range of options and configurations, making it difficult to accommodate the diverse needs of different projects. They lack the flexibility to account for specific project requirements, such as varying load capacities, anchor types, substrate preferences or spacing constraints. 

For instance, many of these tools assume that the load is uniformly distributed across the channel, which may not always be the case in real-world scenarios. Failing to consider different load types, such as a point load, can lead to inaccuracies in the generated designs. While currently available products/configurators only consider the magnitude of the load, dynaMX® also considers their positions on the bracket.  

Other tools also overlook the load placed on components other than the channel, such as the anchor or threaded rod that make up the system, neglecting to consider the bracket as a whole.  Underestimating the system's overall load-bearing capacity could lead to costlier and less efficient designs, while overestimating the capacity could potentially lead to structural failure or safety hazards. 

As a result, users may find themselves constrained by the limitations of these tools, leading to compromised designs and potential inefficiencies in the construction process.  


What makes dynaMX® different?

The creation of dynaMX® was a momentous endeavor, extending over three years and involving significant investment in resources. The project was spearheaded by a dedicated team of industry experts, software developers, and engineering professionals who shared a vision to dramatically enhance the efficiency and reliability of bracket design. This collaboration resulted in a tool crafted from the ground up to address the specific needs and challenges faced by the construction industry.

dynaMX® employs advanced algorithms to generate true, customised bracket configurations quickly and accurately. These algorithms consider a wide range of factors, including structural integrity, industry standards, and engineering principles. Supports can be designed based on multiple selectable options, ensuring that they are suitable for the wide range of loads they are carrying. In simple terms, dynaMX® does not just filter out components that could work for your bracket assembly, it configures a bracket that can be proven to be fit-for-purpose.


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Here are some other advantages offered by dynaMX®:

Customisation and Flexibility

dynaMX® stands out due to its ability to provide highly tailored designs for each project. Unlike other tools that may rely on pre-set assumptions and filters, dynaMX® allows users to input specific project parameters, such as load requirements, substrate preferences, and spacing constraints. This level of customisation ensures that each bracket configuration generated by dynaMX® is optimised to meet the project's unique needs, resulting in superior performance and efficiency.

Here are some specific parameters that your bracket design can be customised to:

  • The number of tiers and their specific height measurements within a bracket setup.
  • Choice of channel profile.
  • The specific services the bracket is intended to support, including detailed considerations of weight and positioning.
  • Provision for extra design capacity to allow for future modifications or expansions.
  • Preferences for substrate type and anchoring systems, ensuring a more holistic approach towards designing fit-for-purpose support systems.

Increased Efficiency and Productivity

dynaMX® intuitive interface and advanced configuration capabilities allow for quick, accurate and efficient design and customisation of brackets WITHOUT the need to involve external design consultants. The platform automates complex calculations related to load bearing, material strength, and other critical parameters, speeding up the design process and achieving what may take engineers days to complete in a matter of a few minutes!

This significantly reduces the time required for these tasks compared to traditional methods.

Cost and Material Optimisation

dynaMX® incorporates advanced optimisation algorithms that analyse the design of brackets and configurations to ensure they are not only safe and compliant with regulations but also optimised for material usage and structural efficiency. These algorithms, based on engineering principles and mathematics, suggest the most efficient designs that meet the required criteria without exceeding them, effectively preventing overengineering without compromising performance.

By evaluating various materials and design options, dynaMX® identifies the most cost-effective solutions that still meet the project's structural and safety requirements. This ensures that resources are used fairly and efficiently, avoiding the unnecessary use of materials that contribute to overengineering and inflating project costs.

Safety and Compliance

Safety is a paramount concern in the construction industry, where the design and implementation of safety-critical systems must adhere to stringent regulations and standards to ensure the well-being of both the workforce and the prospective occupants of a building.

One of the critical features of dynaMX® is its ability to perform automated load and stress analysis on the brackets being designed. This analysis is crucial for determining whether the brackets can safely support the loads they will encounter during use without failing. Automating these calculations significantly reduces the likelihood of human error, leading to higher-quality outcomes in these critical construction projects.

By providing this analysis within a comprehensive configuration report, dynaMX® offers clear evidence that the designs have been rigorously evaluated for safety. The configuration reports generated by dynaMX® include detailed information about the design, including dimensions, load-bearing capacities, and engineering evidence behind the design. These reports serve as a valuable document for engineers, project managers, and safety inspectors, offering a clear, detailed account of how each design meets the required safety criteria. In the case of audits or inspections, e.g. by the Building Safety Regulator, these reports can be presented as evidence (Golden thread) of due diligence in the design process of safety critical installations.


dynaMX® introduces a forward-thinking feature in the M&E construction sector: the ability to incorporate additional design capacity into projects for futureproofing. This means that brackets can be designed to support not just the current load requirements but also an additional predicted future load. This foresight ensures that the infrastructure can adapt to new demands without necessitating a complete redesign or replacement.

This capability is crucial in today’s fast-evolving construction industry, where buildings and systems must be adaptable to accommodate future advancements, usage changes, and expansions.

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Free of Charge

Importantly, dynaMX® offers free signup, allowing users to explore its features and capabilities without any initial financial commitment. This accessibility is part of dynaMX®’s commitment to providing value and support to the construction industry, making advanced design tools more accessible to a wider range of professionals.


By streamlining the bracket configuration process, dynaMX® not only enhances operational efficiency but also promotes a higher standard of safety and reliability in construction projects. Its emphasis on customisation, combined with the ability to quickly adapt to project-specific requirements, positions dynaMX® as a critical tool in the modern construction professional's arsenal.

As a tool developed by the industry, for the industry, dynaMX® emerges not merely as a technological advancement but as a shift towards a new era in construction project management and design optimisation. Beyond the remarkable efficiencies and precision, it brings to bracket configuration, dynaMX® epitomises the transformative potential of digital tools in construction. It is a testament to how targeted, intelligent software can solve specific industry challenges, bridging the gap between complex engineering principles and practical, on-site demands.